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Our financial aid philosophy is take what you need and give what you can. We recognize that there are economic hardships, and we want to be accessible to all, so we ask that you pay whatever it is that you can.
The more you can pay, the more children we are able to extend aid to. Before you request financial aid we ask families to consider if there are family members or friends who might help provide a scholarship to your family for this program.
While nobody has ever been turned away for lack of funds, our ability to accommodate financial aid requests rests on the strength of our program enrollment and the generosity of the individuals, businesses and foundations that partner with Wild Earth to make financial aid possible.
We're in this together! Many of us are stretching ourselves to make sure that cost doesn't get in the way of anyone playing, exploring and learning in nature.
Requests for financial aid are processed alongside your registration. This enables you to reserve a space in the program while our team is reviewing aid requests. Register now and reserve your space in Adobe today.
Drop us an email or give us a call and we'll be happy to answer your questions.
(845) 256-9830