Wild Earth is committed to making its programs accessible to all, regardless of financial circumstances. Participating in Wild Earth’s programs can ignite lifelong connections with nature, the outdoors, mentors, and peers.
To further these goals of equity and transparency, Wild Earth is offering an Equitable Pricing Calculator to assist participant families in determining the price that fits your family’s income tier. This will enable more participants to access programs, regardless of income level.
Wild Earth’s sliding scale model is built on trust, and is meant to provide a suggested tuition tier based on broad financial factors. We know that your family is in the best position to assess your finances, and we believe you should decide what to pay based on your situation. The Equitable Pricing Calculator is intended to help determine each family’s income tier and equitably support all program participants.
Sliding scale calculator is based on MIT’s living wage data along with the Mid-Hudson Valley Community Profiles index.
You can watch our Equitable Pricing Calculator Tutorial [click here] for a walk through of how to use the calculator.
*This estimate does not include the 10% deposit, based on your tier, that you will have already put down when you register for a program. So the monthly payment estimate will be slightly lower than what you see here.
Remember your tier for when you are ready to register.
Click here to see our upcoming programs:
We do offer additional scholarship funds made possible thanks to the support of our community.
Our equitable pricing model allows you to choose a price that best aligns with your current financial situation. If you are able to pay more, please consider selecting a higher tier to help make camp accessible to everyone.
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