Eighteen years ago, my wife Jerilyn and I met Kim Payne for the first time (there would be several more). We were so inspired by his simple family connection message that we chose to incorporate so much of his gentle parenting guidance into our family life.
I count these decisions as some of the wisest we ever made in raising our children and family. I also count Kim as a key catalyst in many of the ideas that today form the foundation of Wild Earth.
I am so excited that Wild Earth is hosting Kim to come to New Paltz and speak about “Loving Limits in a Digital Age.” His message is timely and positive. So, come join us, meet (or re-meet) Kim Payne, and be INSPIRED!
The presentation is sure to be full of evidence-based, practical tips about setting loving limits with technology in order to create more resilience within our families and our community. Kim John Payne is an inspiring speaker, his message and approach are full of love and humor and are very practical.
In 2004, David co-founded and, today, is the Executive Director of Wild Earth, where he seeks to help regenerate healthy community culture and create opportunities for people to connect with themselves, each other and the Earth. Prior to founding Wild Earth, David worked as a wealth advisor on Wall Street for twelve years before realizing a life dream – fully sharing in the care and parenting of his three children, and creating a small family farm. Today, the Brownsteins raise dairy cows, goats, chickens, bees and vegetables in season. David also maintains an active counseling practice called Root Connections, where he focuses on helping individuals, couples, groups and business leaders identify and manifest their unique vision. More about David's work.