This event has already passed.
For more information: contact us.
Wild Earth now offers an Equitable Pricing Calculator that uses a sliding scale model.
This will provide the opportunity for families to determine what they can afford to pay, based on their family's unique financial situation.
It also provides the opportunity for families who can afford it, to make an additional contribution to help offset the cost of tuition for families in need.
Before registration, please calculate your tier with the Equitable Pricing Calculator.
Still need additional aid?Drop us an email or give us a call and we'll be happy to answer your questions.
(845) 256-9830
Come join us for playful silly moments and tender ones, for crafty activities and wild, energetic ones, for nurturing time with other Moms and precious time away with your daughter. Join us for this special outing and depart at 10am on Sunday morning, in time to enjoy the holiday with the rest of your family.
When you arrive, we’ll enjoy an opening circle all together as a group of girls and women. In the morning we’ll split into a clan of girls and a clan of mothers, giving the children time to play and shake off some road dust, and giving the mothers a chance to experience a magical morning at Wild Earth through a child’s eyes.
During the afternoon we’ll join together for some surprise wool-related projects. We’ll provide all the materials – you can relax, enjoy working with your hands and listen to the birds. In the evening we’ll prepare and enjoy a delicious meal together, spend some connective time around the fire, and play a sneaking game together as the darkness falls…
Led by Mai Frank, Hilton Purvis and friends, our Mother’s Day Overnight is sure to make a special memory for you and your daughter.