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Year of the Cicada Summer Camp T-Shirt

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In 2013 Cicada’s ruled the Hudson Valley as “Brood II” hatched and burst into “song”! Celebrate the year of the cicada by sporting Wild Earth’s Cicada Summer Camp shirt.

Cicadas spend most of their 13- and 17-year lives underground feeding on the roots of deciduous trees. After 13 or 17 years, mature cicada nymphs emerge, in mass to rule the Earth! Adult cicadas are active for 4-6 weeks of noise-making, exoskeleton molting, twig munching and well… noisemaking. The males aggregate into chorus centers to attract mates and they make some serious sounds! Within two months of the original emergence, the cicada life cycle is complete; eggs have been laid and the world can hear itself think while adult cicadas are gone for another 13 or 17 years.

©2024 WILD EARTH   |   EIN: 20-1675636   |   2307 Lucas Turnpike   |   High Falls, NY 12440   |   (845) 256-9830

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