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Chickadee Parent-Tot Camp

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For more information: contact us.

Interested in Chickadee Parent-Tot Camp?

Be among the first to find out when the next session is opening.

Need Financial Aid? Click here.

Wild Earth now offers an Equitable Pricing Calculator that uses a sliding scale model.

This will provide the opportunity for families to determine what they can afford to pay, based on their family's unique financial situation.

It also provides the opportunity for families who can afford it, to make an additional contribution to help offset the cost of tuition for families in need.

Before registration, please calculate your tier with the Equitable Pricing Calculator.

Still need additional aid?
  • Please register for your suggested tier, and
  • Contact our finance director to request additional aid.
  • For:

    Boys and Girls ages 3 to 4 accompanied by a parent, grandparent or guardian

    One 2-Week Session:

    • July 2 – 12, 2019


    10:30am to 1:15pm, Tues, Wed, Friday


    Stone Mountain Farm, 475 River Road Exd, New Paltz, NY


    $325 per two-week session. $150 non-refundable and non-transferable deposit due with registration. Sibling discounts apply. Limited scholarships available depending on enrollment and need (see registration form for details).

    Additional Questions?

    Drop us an email or give us a call and we'll be happy to answer your questions.
    (845) 256-9830

    Chickadee Parent-Tot Camp

    Wild Earth’s Chickadee Parent-Tot Camp is perfect for three and four year olds that are ready to romp in the woods, but want to do so with their parents nearby. Together, children and parents explore the wonders of nature within the fascinating world that surrounds us.

    A typical day will flow with a natural rhythm, focusing on a common nature-based theme while together creating our own special home in forest.  Nature exploration will be interwoven with crafts, story, song, games, and time for sharing.

    Chickadee Parent-Tot Camp is structured to spark curiosity while fostering feelings of comfort and peace by simply being outdoors.

    Testimonials from Chickadee Parent-Tot

    “We LOVED it! It is refreshing to be in nature with simple and constructive activities. Overall, it felt very conscious and conscientious. And the songs and stories were particularly wonderful.”

    “I liked that it was structured but that there was also fluidity in the daily activities.”

    “I learned many new songs to share with my son.”

    “I can identify poison ivy! I also know more about nature, how to build and cook on a campfire, how to make paint from a river stone, and which weeds are edible, etc.”

    “It was wonderful to spend time with my child in nature, not looking at the clock.”

    “My son especially loved the stream and cooking on the fire.”

    Register now and reserve your space in Chickadee Parent-Tot Camp today. Space is limited.

    ©2025 WILD EARTH   |   EIN: 20-1675636   |   2307 Lucas Turnpike   |   High Falls, NY 12440   |   (845) 256-9830

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