In this blindfolded awareness game we tap into our bat-senses! Kids love to try and sneak around the blindfolded “bat” often suppressing giggles as they dive and crawl just out of reach. Continue reading
Children are naturally drawn to shadows and often amused by a simple question, “Can your shadow do this…?” Continue reading
Gratitude can be anything from the counting of small blessings, to a full remembering and naming of all the forms of life that connect us. At Wild Earth, we encourage children to share gratitude from their hearts, for whatever feels authentic to them. Continue reading
For as long as I can remember and before I had a name for it, some version of sit spot was a part of my life. At times I lived in cities where my sit spot was at my doorstep, watching grackles nest in my buildings’ gutters. I once lived on a farm with a pond, where I’d see beavers swim in circles and smack their tails on the water each morning. Continue reading