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Traditional Longbow Making with Rolando Negoita and Jason Wayne Beever

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Interested in Traditional Longbow Making with Rolando Negoita and Jason Wayne Beever?

Be among the first to find out when the next session is opening.


Adults, Teens, Children (12+)


5 Thursdays
Sept 28 & Oct 5, 12, 19, 26


3:30pm-7:30pm each day


2307 Lucas Turnpike, High Falls, NY


$475 per participant, includes all materials

Financial aid and sibling discount not available for this program.

Additional Questions?

Drop us an email or give us a call and we'll be happy to answer your questions.
(845) 256-9830

Traditional Longbow Making with Rolando Negoita and Jason Wayne Beever

Join expert craftsmen, Rolando Negoita and Jason Wayne Beever, as you are guided through the process of making a traditional longbow.

The icon of traditional bows, longbows are considered easier to shoot as the longer length disperses bow weight over a larger area making for a smoother drawback to most draw lengths.

In this 5-part workshop, you will make a bow of local wood fit for your own size and strength. All materials and tools will be supplied.

Adults, teens and older children (ages 12+) are invited to register. Space is limited to only 6 participants.

NOTE: As the workshop overlaps with dinner time, participants will be asked to bring food to share.

About Rolando Negoita

Rolando Negoita
Photo by Jesse Brown
​Rolando and his family have been a part of Wild Earth, since the organization’s beginnings back when we were known as Red Fox Friends.

Rolando was born in Transylvania, a region of Romania with a long tradition of craftsmanship, rooting his skills in many family generations.

Rolando is a graduate of the Romanian Academy of Fine Arts, Bucharest, and spends some of his time as an associate professor, teaching metalsmithing and product design at Parsons School of Design in New York City.

Rolando may occasionally be spotted climbing the rock cliffs of the Shawangunk Mountains or tending to his wood-fired sourdough bread.

Today, when he’s not teaching, Rolando is crafting artisan cutlery in his scenic shop at the foot of the Catskill Mountains of New York. Check out this great video introducing Rolando and his approach to craftsmanship.

About Jason Wayne Beever

Jason Wayne Beever is an internationally known bowyer, located in the New York Catskill Mountains, who embraces the craft traditionally.

His methods are rooted in history as he processes all his materials by hand — from harvesting and processing the wood from the forest, making his own glue from fish air bladders and scraps of dried tendon, untwisting and flattening horn into plates, and always varying fabrication techniques from various cultures around the globe.

Jason’s repertoire ranges in eras and locations around the world: from the Asiatic and Eurasian composite horn bows to the long bows, recurves, and other individual styles of the indigenous peoples of Northern Europe and North America.

©2025 WILD EARTH   |   EIN: 20-1675636   |   2307 Lucas Turnpike   |   High Falls, NY 12440   |   (845) 256-9830

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