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5 Empowering Lyme Disease Presentations

Published May 29th, 2014


All of us who live or play in the Hudson Valley know that tick borne illnesses are a serious concern. In response to seeing friends and family impacted by Lyme and other tick borne illnesses Wild Earth created “LIGHT ON LYME: A FAMILY EVENT.” Held on May 4, 2014 in Rosendale, NY the event focused on raising awareness and empowerment around Lyme and tick borne illnesses in the Hudson Valley. Learn more about Light On Lyme at the bottom of this post, beneath the presentations.

Light On Lyme: A Family Event Raising Awareness & Empowering The Hudson Valley

Our goal was to create a well rounded event that would add to public understand of Lyme & tick-borne diseases; exploring the relationships between ecology, nutrition, government, public health, diagnosis, treatment and holistic health.

“LYME: Love Yourself More Everyday”Jerilyn Brownstein, Therapist and Light On Lyme co-organizer

Light On Lyme featured doctors, scientists, educators, public officials, health counselors and alternative healers. The day included interactive cooking workshops, nature-based activities for children, hands-on private sessions with local healers, and information booths where folks could learn about different approaches to Lyme.

Thank You To All Who Volunteered To Make Light On Lyme A Success

Wild Earth is so grateful to all the volunteers that made Light on Lyme a success. Thank You all!

We would especially like to shout out a HUGE THANK YOU to the organizing team that met from December through May to make the first Light On Lyme a reality. Esperanza Gonzalez, Meredith Johnson, Hillary Thing, Cathy Vogt, Sarah Snow, Clara Kramer-Wheeler, and Jerilyn & David Brownstein, THANK YOU! What a truly great team!

Below are five six of the presentations that were given at Light On Lyme.

We look forward to hearing your comments!

Lyme Disease: What You Should Know…

Holly Ahern MS, BS MT(ASCP)

Associate Professor of Microbiology of SUNY Adirondack, Queensbury, NY

Presentation to the Belgium Senate*

Dr Richard Horowitz, MD

Medical Director, Hudson Valley Healing Arts Center

*Belgium Senate? Believe it or not, this presentation is quite similar to the presentation Dr Horowitz gave at Light On Lyme.

Optimizing Nutrition for Healing Lyme

Fran Sussman

Fran Sussman Holistic Services

Tick-Borne Disease In the Hudson Valley

Rick Burstell

Horticulture & Natural Resource Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension

Additional notes from Rick:

1. Eliminate tick habitat around the home grounds. The majority of tick-borne diseases are acquired at home. Strategies of spraying pesticides and other tick population controls have not been that effective preventing human infection. Removing leaf litter and promoting low humidity (pruning and opening up the yard to sun) are very effective ways to cut down tick populations around the home.

You can also construct a 3 foot wide border of gravel or dry mulch around places where humans and pets gather or between the lawn and wooded areas. These dry areas will be places the ticks will avoid.

2. Personal protection with treated clothing and repellents has been shown to be more effective than daily tick checks and area-wide pesticide applications. The daily tick checks idea is still vitally important but unfortunately many people don’t do it consistently. In the summer months, spraying shoes and socks with permethrin is a very effective strategy to prevent ticks bites. Of course, folks need to follow all product instructions and be very careful with pesticides, especially around children. For folks who worry about the permethrin, you can use DEET instead but it may not be as effective as the permethrin. You can also spray pants and other clothes with either product, buy treated clothes, or send your clothes out to be treated.

Lyme Recovery 101: Healing the Inner Ecosystem

Hillary Thing LAc

Certified Herbalist, Accord Acupuncture & Herbal Shoppe

Biofilms and Lyme

Glenn Finley N.D.

Naturopathic Doctor, New Leaf Holistic Health

We look forward to hearing what you’ve learned about tick-borne illnesses in the Hudson Valley.

Please add your comments below.

Simon AbramsonSimon AbramsonSimon Abramson,

As a child Simon spent countless hours exploring the forest, streams and wetlands of his neighborhood in NJ. Simon has a B.S. in Environmental Studies from the University of Vermont where he focused on the relationship between a healthy human psyche and a vibrant natural world. He has staffed and studied with various wilderness schools throughout the Northeast including the Institute for Natural Learning, White Pine Programs and the Vermont Wilderness School. When he’s not in the woods, Simon is designing and building websites and other internet solutions. More about Simon's work.

4 thoughts on “5 Empowering Lyme Disease Presentations”

  1. helen says:


    check out this documentary film: ‘Under Our Skin’. Amongst other issues it supplies evidence that 9 out of the 14 medical doctors who are employed by United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to formulate medical guidelines for the treatment of Lyme in the USA had ‘conflicts of interest’…they were paid by health insurance companies amongst others…

    Chronic Lyme disease is called the “great imitator” because it is often misdiagnosed as another condition such as Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, ALS, Alzheimer’s disease, or anxiety. Misdiagnosis is a common experience for patients with chronic Lyme disease and treatments that work for these other illnesses are not appropriate for treating Lyme disease.

    The award-winning documentary “Under Our Skin” exposes the hidden story of Lyme disease, one of the most serious and controversial epidemics of our time; the film exposes a troubling picture of a health care system that is far too willing to put profits ahead of patients.

    1. Iain Purvis says:

      Hi, I appear to be suffering from Chronic Lyme Disease, which manifests itself as Lyme Arthritis, along with Chronic Lamellar Glomular Nephritis, and other Hypertensive problems. I came across your webpage, and was interested by the article on Empowering Lyme Disease Presentations, specifically the link to but it is apparently private, so I cannot access it. Could you please provide me with a link so that I can sign in and view it. Thanks, Iain, in Rugby, England. (PS, My name is Iain, not Lain, tx!)

  2. Zdenkko Petrinovic says:

    Dear Sirs,

    I would like to spread my experience to help incurable Lyme patients.

    Thanks to American documentary I understood that I have Lyme, 30 years after getting it (Late-stage Lyme).

    My condition was terrible, having no support by Croatian health insurance, this illness is almost unknown here in Croatia.

    But somehow I survived, thanks to sungazing, depression is gone, panic attacks too, my ankles are better.

    Description of sungazing can be found on Hira Ratan Manek’s web page and I am also ready to help all that want to know more.

    The process takes theoretically min. 9 months, but in my case 3.5 years to reach the maximum gazing period of 45 minutes (it depends on sunny days).

    Gazing should be done carefully and only in periods of a day when UV index is less than 2, i.e. in the first hour after sunrise or an hour before sundown, increasing period of gazing every time for 10 sec.

    There were other positive effects, like my cataract cured and gone, to my doctor’s surprise!

    This thousands years old method proved to be safe, although I feared “what will be if I loose eye sight?”, but I had no more choice.

  3. Your website showing how to treat Lyme disease is not 100% informative as it does not tell you what tests to carry out to detect if you have contracted Lyme disease and what are the treatments for this disease.
    I am from India and doctors here may not be very knowledgeable about Lyme disease.
    I am 68 yrs of age and was have just returned from the US recently where I was bitten by 2-Ticks. I seem to be having the symptoms of this disease but neither me nor the doctors here seem to know how to treat it so any advise forthcoming will be appreciated. Thanks
    John Fernandes

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