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We Finally Have A Home Of Our Own

Published July 11th, 2018


After leading our character and confidence building nature immersion programs for 15 years on borrowed and leased land, the time has come for Wild Earth to enter a deeper relationship of reciprocity with the land.

With short-term loans from three generous donors, Wild Earth has secured a beautiful piece of the Hudson Valley encompassing over 135 acres of flowing streams, rock outcroppings, blueberry, mountain laurel and hardwood forest.

We are so excited for the ways long-term relationship will lead to even deeper nature connection experiences, community connection, and generational continuity for years to come.

This is the land we have been dreaming of.

In the words of Robin Wall Kimmerer in her book Braiding Sweetgrass:

We will take care of this land as if our lives and the lives of all of our children depend on it.

May we learn from the land how to give our gifts and meet our responsibilities – may we learn how to be human!

While we have secured this land, we will need to re-pay short-term loans and build out the infrastructure that will make this extraordinary land Wild Earth’s home for the future.

In the coming months, you will be hearing much more about how you can help make this dream a reality. Please reach out to us with questions or to share your enthusiasm.

David BrownsteinDavid BrownsteinDavid Brownstein, Executive Director

In 2004, David co-founded and, today, is the Executive Director of Wild Earth, where he seeks to help regenerate healthy community culture and create opportunities for people to connect with themselves, each other and the Earth. Prior to founding Wild Earth, David worked as a wealth advisor on Wall Street for twelve years before realizing a life dream – fully sharing in the care and parenting of his three children, and creating a small family farm. Today, the Brownsteins raise dairy cows, goats, chickens, bees and vegetables in season. David also maintains an active counseling practice called Root Connections, where he focuses on helping individuals, couples, groups and business leaders identify and manifest their unique vision. More about David's work.

10 thoughts on “We Finally Have A Home Of Our Own”

  1. This is beautiful and inspiring. Thank you.

  2. David Brownstein says:

    Thank you, Shir. That means a lot.

  3. Chip Walters says:

    Could not be happier for you and the all the Wild Earthers… past, present, future. Congratulations!

  4. David Brownstein says:

    Thank you, Chip and Terry!

  5. Charlotte Tusch Scherer says:

    So excited for you, the Team you work with and the children to embrace the wild to teach it , enjoy it, and love it. HAPPY DAY !!

  6. Klaus says:

    So happy for you. I’m seeing this right after coming from watching the movie “Leave no Trace” . I’m looking forward to connecting, making friends and doing some sharing and volunteering. We live in Olive NY, close to you.

    When would be a good time to visit?


  7. Marty says:

    Congratulations. That is wonderful news. Might I ask where I’m Wawarsing?

  8. David Brownstein says:

    We are on Rock Haven Road, bordering the Stony Kill, near the back of Minnewaska State Park

  9. David Brownstein says:

    Please contact our office is you would like to visit – 845-256-9830

  10. Roger Cunningham says:

    How exciting! Please let us know how we might make a specific donation to help pay off those short term loans. Keep up the awesome work!

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©2025 WILD EARTH   |   EIN: 20-1675636   |   2307 Lucas Turnpike   |   High Falls, NY 12440   |   (845) 256-9830

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