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Photos and Stories from our Boys Wilderness Program

Published May 15th, 2017


Our morning circle is a special time where we come together and give thanks, sharing gratitude for the most of important things that give us joy and make our lives possible.

After we share gratitude we heard an inspiring story from a special guest storyteller. He told us a Lakota story about the origin of flutes.

The music he played with his flute during the story was absolutely magical.

A crowd of boys gathered around him after he was finished to admire the instrument and ask him questions about it.

Jonathan and Levon a “We Drill”, a tool for making friction fire. It’s an enlarged version of a bow drill that takes multiple people to operate.

During our choice based activity time, Xander led a knife sharpening workshop for the boys. It’s amazing how effective and inexpensive some wet/dry sandpaper and plywood can be for sharpening a dull edge.

A sharpening stone can also be found and honed by a stream bed. He’s rubbing the flat sides together to make the stones smooth and washing away the loosened material.

The young boys had an impromptu boat race with boats they made from materials around the stream.

Toward the end of the day, Jonathan taught the older boys group how to throw tomahawks. This one seemed to be magically stuck in the board on the top side!

There were too many awesome moments to capture on photo like hiking to the top of the ridge with Brad and Joe, as well as an amazing sensory mediation walk with Jonathan and Levon but we hope you enjoyed reading this. It’s a gift to all of us to spend time with these boys! We look forward to the overnight in May!

PS: Big thanks to Isaac Green Diebboll for joining us and for sharing some of his stunning photography!

PPS: Want to learn more about our monthly program for 9-14 year old boys? Check out Atlatl Boys.

Dustin LambertaDustin LambertaDustin Lamberta, Program Team Leader

Dustin began his wilderness journey playing with his sister and other neighborhood kids in the “woods” (an acre of marshy land deemed too wet for development) near his suburban Long Island childhood home. After focusing his studies on political science, and philosophy at SUNY New Paltz, he began to take in interest in local food and ecology while working at local farms and wineries. In Fall, 2011 he was introduced to Wild Earth by his friend Thomas Meli, and began attending the Dawn Song Village Program. He has since worked at Kestrel Camp. Dustin has also staffed programs for White Pine Programs in Maine and Coyote Club Wildlife Education Programs in New Hampshire. He has a passion for bird language, harvesting edible plants, and sharing stories of deep nature connection. He received a permaculture design certification through Green Phoenix Permaculture and has been to two New England Bird Language Intensives with White Pine Programs, as an attendant and staff facilitator. More about Dustin's work.

2 thoughts on “Photos and Stories from our Boys Wilderness Program”

  1. Michael Ridolfo says:

    yeah dustin!

    if only….
    I had something like this as a kid. this is amazing work and the seeds that are planted here will bear fruit for a long time. and what a team of instructors! my gratitude to each of you.

    keep on truckin’ bros!


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