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The Importance of Nature Connection in Social & Emotional Learning

Published December 17th, 2019

1 comment

Earlier this fall, I was in the Tamaya Pueblo of New Mexico, at the base of the Sandia Mountain range on the shores of the Rio Grande. I was there presenting at and attending the annual “SEL in Action” Conference, a gathering of 101 pioneering and innovating educators using Social & Emotional Learning education techniques with great success throughout the US.

The keynote address this year was focused on the importance of nature in SEL, and I was honored and blown away excited to be invited to present Wild Earth and the important work so many of nature connection organizations are doing.

David BrownsteinDavid BrownsteinDavid Brownstein, Executive Director

In 2004, David co-founded and, today, is the Executive Director of Wild Earth, where he seeks to help regenerate healthy community culture and create opportunities for people to connect with themselves, each other and the Earth. Prior to founding Wild Earth, David worked as a wealth advisor on Wall Street for twelve years before realizing a life dream – fully sharing in the care and parenting of his three children, and creating a small family farm. Today, the Brownsteins raise dairy cows, goats, chickens, bees and vegetables in season. David also maintains an active counseling practice called Root Connections, where he focuses on helping individuals, couples, groups and business leaders identify and manifest their unique vision. More about David's work.

1 thought on “The Importance of Nature Connection in Social & Emotional Learning”

  1. Marc Altheim says:

    This is great stuff. Continued success David. You and your team are making a positive and important contribution to the earth and its inhabitants. Namaste.

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