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Mothers & Daughters Overnight

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For more information: contact us.

Interested in Mothers & Daughters Overnight?

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Need Financial Aid? Click here.

Wild Earth now offers an Equitable Pricing Calculator that uses a sliding scale model.

This will provide the opportunity for families to determine what they can afford to pay, based on their family's unique financial situation.

It also provides the opportunity for families who can afford it, to make an additional contribution to help offset the cost of tuition for families in need.

Before registration, please calculate your tier with the Equitable Pricing Calculator.

Still need additional aid?
  • Please register for your suggested tier, and
  • Contact our finance director to request additional aid.

  • Overnight Schedule

    Sat-Sun, June 8-9, 2019
    10am Saturday – 12pm Sunday


    9-12 year old girls and their mothers


    $92.50 per person, $185 per Mother/Daughter pair

    Register before April 1! The cost of the program will increase to $235 per pair on April 2, 2019.


    Possibly on Wild Earth’s new land!
    If not, on Granite Road in Accord, NY

    Additional Questions?

    Drop us an email or give us a call and we'll be happy to answer your questions.
    (845) 256-9830

    Mothers & Daughters Overnight

    Wild Earth’s Mothers & Daughters Program strengthens and supports the mother-daughter bond through shared, empowering experiences in nature.

    Join us this June for a very special Mothers & Daughters overnight experience.

    Together we will gather to experience the wonder of the woods in our first annual Mothers and Daughters Overnight!

    Out on the land we will deepen our sense of belonging to the forest and to one another through engaging team building activities, thoughtful nature based crafts, exhilarating games, wilderness skills and intimate fireside circles.

    We’ll cook over a fire, play games under moonlight and sleep beneath the stars — forging memories and bonds that will last a lifetime.

    Mothers and daughters will have the chance to connect and strengthen your relationships with one another, while also enjoying space to be with your peers.

    This program will cultivate the desire and ability to take care of self, one another, and Mother Earth. Mothers and Daughters will become Aunties and Sisters to one another and together form a community of diverse and strong women for our daughters to grow into.

    Activities from past Wild Earth Mother Daughter programs include:
    Wild edible treasure hunt, campfire cooking, blindfolded games and activities, plant dyes, shelter building, friction fire making, carving, candle making, story telling, salve making , spook making, basketry, and eco-art.

    Past Participant Testimonials

    “One of my most memorable times was when we talked about the matrilineal histories of our families and heard about brave, strong women, grandmothers and great grandmothers, whose stories I was so appreciative that my pre-teen daughter was learning about and I could sense her girl power growing as we discussed challenging pasts that involved overcoming real obstacles in society as a female.”

    “I know my daughter and I are better for having done this seasonal group together and I highly recommend the experience to all.”

    “We were guided so expertly and gently to be together – in natural surroundings – as mothers and daughters and with a larger community of other mothers and daughters. We shared food, soaked up the mysteries and beauty of nature at different times of the day and in a variety of ways that I’d never have known how to create –playful games or blind folded games that led to trust and giggling; sweet opportunities for the daughters to show gratitude for the mamas through song, homemade food, even a creekside spa; and coming back from each gathering together singing about nature while soaking in the present moment of the moon and stars or the warmth of the summer sunshine.”

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    ©2025 WILD EARTH   |   EIN: 20-1675636   |   2307 Lucas Turnpike   |   High Falls, NY 12440   |   (845) 256-9830

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