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Spring Break Camp Was “Epic” & “Legendary”

Published March 28th, 2016


We had an extraordinary experience with 48 young ones over the course of our three days together.

Each day began with our morning circle, during which we brought our voices together with a song, warmed up with some playful exercises, and gave thanks together.

After morning circle, we broke off into our age based “flocks” (groups) for our morning adventures, games and activities. This year’s flocks were the Blue Jays, Goldfinches, Cardinals, and Ravens.

Throughout the morning we got to know one another and explored the beautiful forest. Each afternoon our groups met up for choice-based time, during which instructors offered a variety of skill-based activities for campers to choose from, such as carving, bag making, dream-catcher making, jedi training (an elaborate game of quickness and agility) and poi (a Maori art form where balls on ropes are spun in tricky patterns).

Our days came to a close all together with a story, like the one about the corn goddess, which many parents joined us for on Thursday. Below are some photos of our morning exploration and play, as well our afternoon choice based groups.

If your child enjoyed spring break camp and is ready for more adventures with Wild Earth, please take a look at our Spring Kestrel and Screech Owl programs! Enjoy the photos below and happy spring!

On behalf of the entire Spring Break Camp staff at Wild Earth, we are so grateful for your entrusting us with your children. We loved having them at camp – they were an incredible group!

All the best to your and your family!
Dustin and the Spring Break Camp Team

Dustin LambertaDustin LambertaDustin Lamberta, Program Team Leader

Dustin began his wilderness journey playing with his sister and other neighborhood kids in the “woods” (an acre of marshy land deemed too wet for development) near his suburban Long Island childhood home. After focusing his studies on political science, and philosophy at SUNY New Paltz, he began to take in interest in local food and ecology while working at local farms and wineries. In Fall, 2011 he was introduced to Wild Earth by his friend Thomas Meli, and began attending the Dawn Song Village Program. He has since worked at Kestrel Camp. Dustin has also staffed programs for White Pine Programs in Maine and Coyote Club Wildlife Education Programs in New Hampshire. He has a passion for bird language, harvesting edible plants, and sharing stories of deep nature connection. He received a permaculture design certification through Green Phoenix Permaculture and has been to two New England Bird Language Intensives with White Pine Programs, as an attendant and staff facilitator. More about Dustin's work.

3 thoughts on “Spring Break Camp Was “Epic” & “Legendary””

  1. Rock on Dustin! So glad the Blue Jays, Goldfinches, Cardinals, and Ravens had a great 3-days in the woods!

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